Monday, May 05, 2008


Yesterday, I passed a new milestone in my life. Margaret wasn't feeling up to venturing out of the house. Being THREE DAYS FROM HER DUE DATE really takes it out of her. But that didn't stop her nesting instinct, as she's been busy sewing liners, curtains, blankets, and reproduction 15th-century hoop-skirted party dresses. We'd bought some baskets at Ikea and she decided to dress them up with a custom designed flannel liner. Well, after making the liner, she decided that it needed something to finish off the piece and found some ribbon to go around the edge. The only problem was she didn't have enough ribbon for all the baskets and since she didn't feel like going out, that left me as the only option to getting some more... at the fabric store... BY MYSELF! Yes, I had to brave Jo-Ann Fabrics alone. I felt like the guy in Into the Wild. In fact at one point I was so overwhelmed in the yarn section that I almost gnawed my own arm off in panic. And to make matters worse, I wasn't given a specific item to buy; I had to use my own judgement and pick a color of ribbon myself. And just my luck, the store's valium bar for men was already closed for the evening. In the end, I just grabbed an entire rainbow of colors to bring back for Margaret to pick herself. Now we'll have so much left-over ribbon that we'll use it to tie our recyclables and floss our teeth.

And for the record, I never want to go to a fabric store unaccompanied ever again.


Tracy said...

wow, I don't think my husband would EVER do that. He did go pick up take out when I had my first though. Oh, and he made dinner once or twice....

Deb said...

I love sewing and love fabric, but even I don't like to go to Jo-Ann's. You are a brave man! Way to step up and show Margaret how much you really love her!!

Anonymous said...

It's hard not to be proud of you for that- big hug-though you really are an idiot too as you could of easily asked one of your delightful female buddies to do it for you, and graciously given us lots of ammo to slag you about in return for the favor, which of course would be a lot better than actually going to Jo-Anns- but heh perhaps for our sakes there is security video of you trawling the halls of the store that we could upload to you-tube?=ber