Anyway, the story goes a little something like this: annoying rich girl is crushing on cute boy trying to earn money, cute boy's cute girlfriend is also trying to earn money, jealous annoying rich girl wants to separate cute boy and cute girl so uses powers of persuasion to get cute boy a job at the country club (the resort), cute boy insists on country club hiring every one of his friends, country club of course does exactly that, since that's what job hiring is really like, wackiness ensues. Well, during the scene where all the friends are just playing in the kitchen, breaking into singing and dancing routines, and eating the food meant for guests, the resort manager had the UNMITIGATED GALL to come in and tell the kids that they had to clock in and out, be at their job station on time, stop eating food meant for guests, and not to breaking into cheesy song and dance routines that scared the guests! Can you believe it? Asking employees to do such things right out of Stalin's playbook! Didn't we fight the Korean War for the right to DANCE?!? And the manager was painted as completely unreasonable for making these demands. Didn't he know that a job was where you hung out at a place with your friends, goofed off, got free food, and most importantly HAD FUN... and got money for for it, to boot! Margaret and I felt really out of the target demographic of the movie when we were commiserating with the manager who had to herd and hand-hold these entitled kids to get any work done. No wonder everyone is hiring illegals... American kids won't work. (Although in their defense, it DOES take a big chuck on time to text message, play Guitar Hero, and keep your Facebook status up-to-date.)
Well that's not going to happen to our Lucy. She's going to develop a work ethic! She can only watch TV for four hours a day, she is limited to 2,500 text messages a month, her personalized Hello Kitty-branded American Express has a strict $15,000 credit limit, and as soon as she turns 6, it's off to the textile mill for her tiny hands to work those threading machines.
1 comment:
It's interesting... I was just having this conversation with the intern that has been working at my agency for the past 10 months. She almost did not get to finish her internship because she did not show up one day when her client was here waiting for her. the client arrived upset and left even more upset that she was not going to see her therapist that day. Unfortunately, this wasn't the first time the intern had not been here when her clients were here... but this is the first time that she didn't come in at all and the first time I caught her in a lie (the other times she just said she was sick... this time she came up with a less viable excuse and when I asked her about it, she fessed up that it was a lie). But since I hadn't given her prior warnings, there wasn't much I could do and she was able to get her act together and finish the year.
So when I gave her some poor marks on her evaluation last week, she was surprised! I told her that it was true that she had been in trouble for not being at work that time, but it was really my fault because all of those times she came in late, I hadn't told her that she had to be here ON TIME especially when she was expecting clients to come in. But then I said, "But really, do I have to tell you that?"
I wish I could say that she was a high school student and the reason she was screwing up is that she was a teen-ager who was being a bit rebellious. Unfortunately, this is a grad student.
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