Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Three weeks and counting!

Well today marks the three week mark before... you know. Twenty-one short days for me feeling the pressure to finish up all the last-minute projects and twenty-one long, drawn out days for Margaret feeling the pressure on her pelvic floor.

The plumber is coming tomorrow to finish the installation, which means we will be practically done and able to move out of the dining room. Phew! Just in the nick of time!


Margaret said...

37 week shopping list:
Caster oil
Smoked oysters
Chocolate frosting (to wash down the rest!)
Battery powered nipple clamps (they have those right?)
Pogo stick

OK - so I'm not that desperate yet but I can sense it coming. Maybe I'll get that pogo stick just in case.

BTW - the baby turned this week! Hooray, she's getting locked and loaded for her grand debut.

Tracy said...

You don't have to go so far as a pogo stick, but "balancing the checkbook" works pretty well, for inducing labor. I am sure you know that, and everyone has told you with a wink or a blush....

Poor Margaret, having to sleep in the living room, during the most uncomfortable time of pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

Uh, the nipple clamps are for Jeremy to wear during labor, right?
