Monday, May 14, 2007

Whew! Survived!

Well, this weekend's event went off alright, I guess. I can't really remember everything that happened. Maybe the memory is being suppressed.

On a more interesting note, on Friday, we were driving through our neighborhood (remember, the neighborhood my dad calls "Hippie Town") and saw a guy in snorkel gear... complete with snorkel, mask, wetsuit, and flippers... sitting on top of a car. Intrigued, I drove around the block so we could all get a better look and when we drove by him again, a guy wearing only a Depends diaper was walking by. Our ward was having a get-together and we figured they were headed over to that.

Speaking of Conservative Values©, I just love today's comic "Pearls Before Swine:"

I especially like the opening of the prayer: "You don't know me." Classic.

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