Thursday, January 10, 2008

Bus annoyance

This morning on the bus, I was sitting in the back (not because I had to, but because it decreases the likelihood of having to give up my seat to someone that I'd be constrained to do out of chivalry... does that make me unchivalrous or just pragmatic?) Anyway, the back row goes all the way across the back of the bus, since there isn't any need for an aisle. The setup was this:

x_X_x (With x's being people and dashes empty seats. The capital X is me, of course.)

Well, some guy was standing for a while, looking back, but not sitting down, despite the fact that there were two open seats. Finally, he got up his nerve and asked me to scoot over so he could sit down. I moved without thinking, then realized that he could have just as easily sit in one of the two empty seats and I wouldn't have had to move at all. Aggravation!

(Maybe this is confirmation of something I read at Costco last night. I was flipping through a book about astrology of the soul and I, of course, looked myself up. It said that in a past life I was a king or other person of great acclaim and that as a result, my ego has an entitlement encrustation on it. That explains SO much.

(Now I'm going to have to go to a psychic or aura reader or Scientologist to find out if MY entitlement encrustation is made up of diamonds and rubies, which I've suspected but would like confirmation.)


Tracy said...

Hmm. We went to a Halloween party this past year, where the host had supplied a psychic for the entertainment of the guests. I visited the psychic mostly because two or three of my daughters wanted to see what it was about and didn't want to go alone.

She informed me that my aura needed cleansing. Interesting.

Come to think of it, I think our mission president said something to the same effect one time. I must just have a dirty aura. Maybe my ego is encrusted with mud.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure you are the entitled one? Maybe the guy who has a pick of two seats but wants one that is already taken (yours) is the one who is entitled!

Anonymous said...

You must not feel that entitled, because down here in California we feel we need at leat 5 seats. We call them cars. Of course raod rage becomes a issue because someone cuts you off. I guess that is like the guy on the bus asking you to move over. Non-verbal comunication works well in this situation. :-)