Thursday, March 22, 2007


Yesterday Margaret and I had to give our depositions for our injuries sustained after our car accident. It was totally traumatic leading up to the actual date, as this is something we've been burdened with for the past 2-1/2 years. It was good to finally get all the observations, details, etc. down. What was unnerving, though, was when the defense attorney asked me if I kept a journal and I hesitated before I said no. He pressed me on it, noting the hesitation and I fessed up to keeping this blog, but that it didn't really have my feelings, etc. Despite that, he still asked for the address of this site! Yikes! I gave a furtive glance to my attorney, hoping that she would jump up dramatically and shout out, "Objection!" But alas, no... I had to give out this address. I feel so violated!

1 comment:

Dave D. said...

2-1/2 years later?!?!?!?!?!?!? gotta love our justice system.