Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Good ol' America

Check out the results of this poll. Evidently people are more concerned that their elected official agrees with them over gay marriage than the frickin' ENVIRONMENT! Let me tell you which one has the potential to affect, let's see, THE ENTIRE PLANET! Jeesh!

Wait, does this survey bode well or ill for Senator Craig? So confusing...

You can read about the report here.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, this is not at all surprising to me.

CCinPDX said...

This graph is kinda stupid. What is the likelihood that a politician is going to take a position on the environment that is significantly different than the common person?

E.g. "A plank in my campaign is to ensure corporations move to Oregon and poison your water supply".

It sounds much more palatable when they say "I stand for bringing jobs to Oregon" [subtext: the environment be dammed].

Anonymous said...

Craig: except when you look at things like Global Warming. The republicans in congress, last I heard, 87% of them did not believe in it. The majority (70%) of the US populace does.

As far as the Gay Marriage issue - its misleading - how many of the 50% are for marriage equality and how many are not for equality? My guess it the majority of the 50% are anti-eqaulity.