Friday, March 07, 2008


Well tonight we're off to our next childbirth education class. (Nothing says "exciting Friday night" like childbirth education... I'm sure everything will be back to normal after the baby is born and we can go out on Friday nights and stumble home on Saturday morning when the sun comes up. Right? RIGHT?!?)

Last week's class was an eye-opener. Not only did we realize that we were actually quite versed in childbirth technique, nomenclature, and logistics (you can't come from a Mormon family and NOT be!), but some of the people in the class were COMPLETELY CLUELESS! One person asked about the safety of walking around while she was in labor because she was worried that her baby would just fall out of her. I responded, "You should only be so lucky!" Margaret got targeted by the teacher (who is a little hardcore on the natural EVERYTHING) as a trouble-maker right off. Someone in class asked what kind of formula the teacher would recommend in case of low milk production or some other problem. The teacher looked horrified, replying, "You don't even want that in your HOUSE! It's like having cookies in the house while you're on a diet. If you have formula, you'll just end up using it!" To which Margaret spoke up: "And THAT would be the END OF THE WORLD!" (I wasn't in the room at the time, being that they'd separated the genders at that point, but I imagine that line being uttered completely dripping with a level of sarcasm that only a decade of living with me could have trained her for. Does my heart proud!) Later, after being told by the teacher that women only are in ACTUAL pain only two and half hours of a fourteen hour labor. (She was only counting the 30 to 60 seconds of pain from contractions, etc., saying that between them, a woman was FIIIIINE!) Well, Margaret had to speak up again, saying that that was like saying, "Here, let me punch you in the face. You'll only feel the strike for one SECOND!" Needless to say, the teacher wasn't amused.

I thought it was awesome. Plus, anything we can do to spread the word to the more inexperienced people in the class that using pain medications doesn't mean a woman has "failed" is fair game. (Actually, I don't even feel I have a say in THAT matter. I didn't give Margaret the right to tell my dentist not to give me anesthesia when getting a filling, and I'm not about to tell the doctor how much pain she should go through.)


Anonymous said...

(after long expletive deleted beep) Must…control…fist…of…death! Not to get all Tonya Harding on you or anything, but if you need someone to go break her kneecaps, I am totally there for you.

Tracy said...

Oh my! Well, I have to say, that after giving birth to 6 of them, no two biths are EVER the same. I have always wanted an epidural on every birth. I figured there was a reason why God created smart people to invent such things, and I was going to take advantage of it.

I didn't however get one on my 5th child who did almost fall out while I was walking in the mall, returning something I knew I wouldn't have time to return after the baby was born. However, that time I was only in labor for a TOTAL of 2 1/2 hours, so how was I to know.... And I have to say, that yes, I did go for the epidural on the 6th, even though I survived the 5th without it.

I really get frustrated with these bleeding heart "naturalists". You can only do what you can do, and taking care of you and the baby is your first priority.

oops where did that soap box come from.....

Anonymous said...

she is so asking for a beat you think she'd notice the pain?....let's see....

Deb said...

Wow!! That is why I recommended NOT doing the birthing classes. Can you imagine if you weren't so smart and had all that vast knowledge of child birthing'd be FREAKED OUT! I'm glad to hear Margaret stood up to that crazy teacher! Love you guys!