Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Yesterday a Nike corporate jet took off from here in Portland and after takeoff, one of the landing gear got stuck. This is a picture from the news, emphasizing the problem. When I got to the gym at lunch, it was all over the news--and quite dramatic reporting, too--about how the jet was circling the city to burn off fuel before attempting to land. The news was SO boring--they just showed the plane circling and interviewed various people and asking the most inane questions, like, "what will the pilots do when they've landed?" What kind of question is that? And I think the answer would be: "Change their pants and drink a few bourbons." As it turned out, they took the plane up to a high altitude and all of a sudden--the landing gear worked again! Crisis averted, but don't tell that to the newscasters--they broadcast a completely normal landing as if it were a ticking time bomb about to land--and granted, it WAS that before the gear got fixed--but it was FIXED! Ugh. My favorite part was the constant reassurance that they were boradcasting that they had confirmed with the FAA that there were no sports stars on board--phew, only management, and they're expendable--but thank heavens Tiger is okay!

I swear, watching tv news get us so brain dead. There is always three things that they have to cover--A grisly crime that scares people into thinking they happen all the time and could happen to YOU!; a cute pet story; and something about meth. Last year there was a HUGE ice storm here in Portland that shut down the city for three days. It was AWESOME! No one could drive because the streets were like ice skating rinks (actually, so were the sidewalks--when work started back up, I was getting off the bus and as one person stepped off the bus, they slipped and fell, then the next person stepped off, and HE slipped and fell, then I stepped off the bus--AND SLIPPED AND FELL! It was like a scene out of some penguin movie!) Anyway, the newscasts were broadcasting commercial-free weather reports the entire time, and in reference to the cold air mass that was blowing into the area along the Columbia River, they kept saying one stupid phrase over and over and over and over, "It's like someone left the refrigerator door open." I can see the description once, but to use that as your description every time really tells that you're aiming for the lowest common demoninator--oh wait, this is tv, THEY ARE!


Dave D. said...

Isn't it sad about the news. My brother will sit there and watch it for hours and it drives me nuts, cause you get all you need in about 15-20 minutes. But its all about ratings. If you don't watch this you might DIE!!!!

Brent K said...

One of my favorite gaagate activities was watching people slip and fall on the same patch of ice. Over and over and over. I am sure I should have warned people or fixed the problem but it was just too fun to watch. Subconsciously, I think that is why we don't solve society's problems. What would we watch?

Anonymous said...

Oh boo hoo! You may recall, Jer, how that ice storm nearly runined by bachelorette party when it looked like the Passion Party lady would not be able to make it. Then I returned to Atlanta and we had our own ice storm the next weekend. Brr. I mean, grr!

Anonymous said...

Luckily your experiences with "Jelly Osaki" and the 22-inch jelloshot penis (heh heh) kept you warm during those storms. Is that what you meant by grr? I thought so.