Thursday, May 18, 2006

Happy Explosion Anniversary

I don't know where you were 26 years ago today, but I still remember my brother's birthday picnic being completely ruined by the ominous and toxic plume of ash sent our way by Mt. St. Helens. The fact that it happened on his birthday has been very convenient, as it has made me remember the exact date that the eruption took place and that knowledge has served me several times during Trivial Pursuit matches. To celebrate the event, I'd recommend 1) Mixing baking soda and vinegar to make your own volcano in the comfort of your own home (or better yet, someone ELSE'S home), or 2) Binge drink so much that a vomitous volcano erupts right out of your mouth. Have fun!

(And happy birthday, Jayson! And if you're going to do one of the above, I'd recommend the first one--I'd much rather clean up vinegar foam than puke and I'm not willing to clean THAT up for you, even if it IS your birthday!)

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