Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Perils of public transit

Yikes--I think my stars have been out of alignment since yesterday afternoon... at least pertaining to public transportation--which planet affects that? Probably Pluto, since that's the one who's too cheap to just buy another car and insists on "saving the solar system." My problems started yesterday coming home from work. I saw the bus at my transfer and it was just pulling away, but it got caught at a stop light, so I ran up to it to catch it before the light turned. And when I say 'ran' I mean it--I'd just talked with Margaret and we'd planned on meeting at a burrito place near our house and I was very anxious to meet up with her to eat there. They have these delicious burritos with meat, peas, potatoes and... oops, sorry about the tangent--back to the story. I stood in front of the bus door for a few seconds before the bus driver looked over at me and SHOOK HER HEAD in the international sign for "Not a chance!" Evidently that's not allowed, but still--here's a huddled mass standing outside her door yearning to get on. How much effort would it have taken to push the frickin' button to let me on? Like a SECOND and maybe a third of a calorie of enegy! I stood there a moment, in disbelief, then walked back to the curb and waited there for a bit before the light ever turned green! I was so aggravated. I wished that when she pulled out into the intersection that she'd have hit something so I could have told her, "that wouldn't have happened if you'd have let me on your bus." Alas, that didn't happen. Where's kharma when you need it? (And don't go saying that this was kharma happening to me because I'VE been good!)

Fast forward to this morning, when I was running to catch the bus and the bus driver didn't see me and shut me in the door! She apologized, but I couldn't help but think that there's a conspiracy going on here.

Finally, when I transfered to the train to get to the office, it was delayed because someone had put a spike or some other sharp object on a seat and the transit people had to take care of it. I guess that signals to me that Pluto has shifted out of this 'death-bringer' phase, because if it were still in effect, I would have sit down on that spike and contracted some disease from it or be in the hospital right now. Instead I'm tethered to my office computer.


Anonymous said...

Your bad luck is because you vandalized the Noah's sign, because everyone knows that the department of health and the transportation department are in cahoots.

Anonymous said...

Don't you remember when we were in grade school and we stopped in sweetwater to pick up the kids there and the bus was pulling away after the kids got on and we looked out the back window and saw some little kid running out of his yard chasing after the bus, with his ittty bitty legs a pumping, backpack a dragging him down frantically waving his free hand at us to get out attention to get the bus to stop? And do you also remember us just pointing at him and laughing our asses off and waving back as if he was just waving at us to say hi....Poor little guy was late for school that day wasn't he Jeremy...KARMA rears its ugly head 25 years later...how sweet it is... :)

Dave D. said...

Haven't you learned anything from watching "Earl"?