Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Cativity Scene

Ahh, nothing says the birth of Christ like a pack of cats. And I just love the sassy pink shawl on Meow-ry's annoying neighbor Mrs. Snuggles that shows off her perky ears. The three wise cats are looking especially pious (unless they can see an injured bird that is making its way toward the stable). The fat one even brought some Meow Mix in an urn for the special occasion! And just get a load of that adorable kitten sleeping in the manger. All together, now... awwwww.

You can buy yours here.


Tracy said...

I had a different expletive, I mean exclamation. :)

Anonymous said...

My sister has two cats. One of them stole Jesus from the display. He was never to be seen again (well until spring cleaning).

I would hate to see what would happen with a cativity scene!