Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Bypassing internal censorship

Growing up in a family that placed a high value on humor--even above scholastic achievement--I tend to find funny things in everyday situations. Normally pointing them out in little quips endears me to people at parties or gatherings, however every once in a while, my internal quip generator spits out something so quickly that it doesn't get sent through my internal censorship processor. On those occasions, all I can do is sit back and hope that people take it the right way--because I hate it when my jokes bomb! At a recent managers' meeting at my work, we were waiting for the stragglers to get there and so were discussing the World Cup. One of the managers said that he just didn't get it--how could someone play a game for two hours without scoring. As soon as he said that, my mouth started moving on its own accord and before all the words came out, I already was blushing at what I was about to say in a managers' meeting. I just blurted out, "Have you never been to a singles bar?" Fortunately everyone got a good laugh at it, but I was kind of taken aback that I'd said it at that particular venue. At church, maybe, but not at a managers' meeting!


Anonymous said...

I don't think I have the internal censorship at all, and I might think about controlling the urge to blurt that out at church, but not anywhere else. Maybe just because I am in Utah, and if you mention a bar, they think you are a heratic. (The tattoo doesn't help me much either)

Anonymous said...

Well at least you are to the point where you actually say something right then rather than telling me two hours later, "oh I should have said this"

Anonymous said...

That might depend on where the tattoo is and how many explitives (or exposed body parts) it contains.