Thursday, July 06, 2006

Senatorial visit

A few days back, I was at the gym and who should be there at the same time but one of Oregon's senators. (I won't say which one, since this story isn't too flattering and therefore subject to repercussions by the Department of Homeland Security). Anyway, I was getting dressed in the locker room when the senator came in and went into one of the bathroom stalls. When he came out, he was walking to the sinks when someone recognized him and said hello. The senator instinctively held out his hand to shake the other guy's hand--which he reluctantly shook. Afterward, the guy, whose locker was right next to mine, asked if I had seen what happened. He (and I) couldn't believe that he'd shake someone's hand after using the toilet--and it wasn't the urinal, either! I guess that confirms my dad's contention that politician's think their crap doesn't stink (or evidently cause an E. coli infestation).

Speaking of hygiene, I remember one of my apartments in Norway with a bathroom so small (imagine the broom closet in a Barbie dollhouse and you'll get the picture) that the sink hung over the toilet and the showerhead came out of the middle of the ceiling. The whole room was tiled, so it could all get wet--so you could conceivably use the toilet, brush your teeth, and take a shower ALL AT THE SAME TIME. I never did it, in fact the tought still makes me cringe. But I wouldn't be surprised that my insane, hyper-efficient companion (I won't use his real name, I'll just write that we called him "Salsa") did it so he could get even better missionary numbers to report.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I think I inherited that bathroom!

Ok, maybe not, but you know Norwegians never took sleep or bathroom seriously, the facilities for both were rather small, and "thrown" together.

Anonymous said...

Spicy Hotttt!