Friday, July 07, 2006


Tonight we're going to see Pirates of the Caribbean II with some friends and I'm vacillating on whether or not to wear a pirate shirt I have. I got the shirt for a friend's wedding, where I was a groomsman. The groom, his best (wo)man, and I all wore pirate shirts, sashes, and boots. (Although now that I think of it, it would have been cool to have the groom in an eye patch and when the veil gets lifted, the bride could have lifted the eye patch--dang! NOW I think of that!) It was fun and definitely different. Margaret and I had a traditional Salt Lake temple wedding, but every time we're in Las Vegas I think it would be cool to go to one of those Elvis wedding chapels and renew our vows. That would be a great juxtaposition to the solemn temple ceremony. Although I wonder what kinds of things we'd have to do to get an Elvis recommend? I can just imagine the interview now: "Have you been listening to Elvis when you wake up and before you go to bed? Do you wear your polyester jumpsuit with gold sequins? Are you living a life worthy of being called your spouse's "teddy bear?"

Next year will be our tenth anniversary; I'll have to ask Margaret if she wants a Vegas wedding chapel with Elvis officiating at the renewal of our vows or a nude ceremony in Hawaii overlooking the Pacific Ocean. (We have to hurry and get that one out of the way before we get too old and we don't even want to see OURSELVES naked anymore.)


Anonymous said...

I never thought about wearing the pirate shirt to the movie. It's a moot point anyway because Bryan wore my pirate shirt a couple of Hallowe'ens ago when he dressed as Shrek, and we got green makeup all over it. The most disturbing part is that there was a kid at the party who got a crush on me because I was dressed as green Fiona. Weird.

Jeremy said...

Did you tell him about that "condition" that happens to you at sunrise?