Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Blast from the past

I was just looking for an old file and found my mission journal that I'd transferred to an electronic format. Curious, I looked up today's date to see what I was up to fifteen (FIFTEEN!!!!! Aiieeee!) years ago. Here's the entry:

Today I got a package from mom and a letter from B (my grandmother). Both B and mom cussed me out for asking for a Gameboy, so I guess I'm not getting one for Christmas. Evidently they thought I should using my time more productively. Can you imagine?

I'm just glad that I've learned my lesson in the subsequent 15 years and now would NEVER use my time inappropriately.


Anonymous said...

Mom cussing you out for wanting a gameboy? This must have been before she was intruduced to the casino game.....she still plays that game and has since gotten a gameboy of her own.

Jeremy said...

Although maybe they had a point. The missionary who got a Gameboy that I got the idea from ended up serving a prison term. (Although for fraud, not for having a Gameboy.) That's probably what they were worried about when they chastised me!

Anonymous said...

You use your time inapropriately?! Never! Hey, you want a gamegoy from that era? I think we have one. ;)

Anonymous said...

gamboy even

Anonymous said...

aww, forget it! It's very late here!