Friday, September 08, 2006

Pets as child-surrogates

Here in Portland, we have a few quirks. One of those we quickly learned upon moving here is that a pet is a child-surrogate for many, MANY residents. That was evident from the number of vetrinarians, pet hospitals, pet acupuncturists, pet dermantologists, pet aromatherapists, pet psychologists, pet psychics, pet day cares, and organic pet food stores. In fact, just down the street there is a bar called the Lucky Lab that has an outdoor seating area where people bring their pets to play while they enjoy a pint. It's crazy! A few years ago, someone was lacing pieces of meat with pesticide and throwing it into bushes where off-leash dogs would find them, eat them, then suffer horrible deaths. Extreme, I know, but I'm pretty sure it was someone who was fed up with all the people conveniently not seeing the "Dogs on leash only" signs plastering the parks. Well the furor over that and the cry to find the perpetrator and bring him to justice was deafening. I don't think there was that much outrage over the Green River killings or the Vietnam War! I guess growing up on a farm really jaded me to animals--they come and go with too much regularity to ever think that they were anything more than a pet.

Well, the reason I got on this topic in the first place was stumbling upon this new product that is going to take the Portland market by storm: Premium Pet Water! Before you sprain your eyes rolling them, read this product description:

Mollibrands offers bottled "premium waters for healthy cats and dogs." As hokey as it sounds, the product claims to have a few appealing benefits including teeth damage prevention, aids in digestion, savory flavors that encourage a picky pet to eat and drink more, and freshens up bad breath. For all of us who love/spoil our furballs (I bought mine a fur-hooded parka for the wintertime) this may actually be a viable beverage option. For doggies, try Original (Unflavored), Beef Tenderloin, Bacon Delight, Roasted Turkey, and Roasted Chicken flavors. For kitty-kats, all the same flavors are available except for Bacon Delight. Evidently some cat saw that slug bacon movie from my post yesterday and it turned all cats against pork products.

Ok, now you can roll your eyes.


Anonymous said...

Erm, I have to say, I believe San Francisco has the same quirky thing going on. There are more ammenities for pets than kids. The town I live in seems to have kids in mind, but I see a lot of "soccer moms" out running with the family pet after they drop the kids off at school.

Anonymous said...

and to think when we were kids having it rain meant there was no reason to water the dogs and cats cause there were mud puddles for them to drink out of if they were thirsty....MMMMMMM mud flavored...