Yesterday, my work hosted a salmon feed at a local rally and I was responsible for feeding an estimated 400 people! Well, the morning was very rainy, so I assumed that we wouldn't have any problems with the quantity of salmon we had to distribute. Little did I know the event would be so popular--evidently people like salmon! The menu consisted of salmon, potato salad, and bread. The bakery that donated the bread gave us BAGS full--and not bread bags, but those yard debris bags! Well, everything was going fine during set up, but when people actually started lining up for their food, it was quickly evident that there were WAY more than 400 people there. We were frantically serving the salmon as soon as it was cooked. About halfway through we ran out of salad, so all we had to offer was salmon and bread. As the salmon started to run low, someone remarked that we should have invited Jesus, as we were serving fish and bread and he had a history of making do with only that. Alas, after over 500 people had been served we ran out of salmon, and ended up running to a nearby grocery store for hot dogs. Ahh, nothing like going to a salmon rally and getting a free HOT DOG!
I'm just glad it's all over. As it was, I had to rush home afterward for dinner, because the only thing I got to eat the whole time was Diet Pepsi and a crust of bread. Which is pretty much what happened when Margaret and I got married. At the reception, to which we'd invited about 150 people, we ended up with almost 300 guests! The kitchen was frantically bringing out spare food from other events in an effort to feed them all. We were in the greeting line the whole time talking with all the people and, once again, the only thing we had to eat was bread and water. When we went up to our hotel, they'd given us a fruit basket as part of our honeymoon package and we both made a made dash to stuff our faces. Ahh, those memories of our first few hours of marriage!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
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