Check out this cabin in Norway. Its roof is literally gone with the wind. It's so remote that the only way to get to it is a two-hour ski trek, so it's not as if someone came by and stole it, in fact the materials were helicoptered in when it was built. After a skier who had passed it contacted him to let him know that the roof was missing, the guy went to see for himself. Yikes! You can read the entire story here.
While not so extreme as a missing roof, our remodel project is slowly driving us insane. It took us almost three weeks to come up with the colors we liked. I think it's the curse of graphic designers, who have the ability to make microadjustments to color values, hues, and shade at the click of a mouse. Committing to a wall color and, after hours of work, realize that the shade is just a TAD too dark is enough to send me over the edge!
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