Thursday, February 14, 2008

¡Viva Mexico! Day Seven: (Continued)

Last night I realized that I'd forgotten three other things on our pool day. The first was during the Mr. Mayan Palace competition. If you've ever watched MTV Spring Break, you'll know that a staple of poolside activities is the random competitions that the hosts organize. I never really understood the allure while watching it on tv, but after sitting by the pool for 5 hours, you're ready for a little diversion. The day before there was the Miss Mayan Palace competition, where 5 women competed for the crown, having to do a variety of activities including push-ups (and the entertainment director said "regular push-ups, not Mexican push-ups"... and we found out that a Mexican push-up is where you raise your pelvis up and down instead of your chest. I'll have to say, Mexican push-ups are much more interesting!), kayaking in the pool, blowing up and popping a balloon, and doing three sexy poses. The Mr. Mayan Palace competition was similar, with push-ups, a belly flop competition, and a sexy dance. Both events drew crowds of people floating in the pool to watch, which is where the first of the things I forgot happened.

During the Mr. Mayan Palace competition, with 50-75 people floating in the pool watching the contestant, all eyes on them, a completely shite-faced drunk lady barely made her way through the pool without drowning. All of the sudden, she barfs into the pool and the crowd draws back in horror. The emcee tried to play it off and say that it was just sunscreen in the water, which didn't sound too convincing when it was accompanied by a pool worker rushing over with his clean-up kit! After the biohazard release, the drunk lady dragged herself up the pool ladder right onto the contestant area. Of all the places to do this but at the very place where half the pool is watching! I guess it made sense to the drunk lady. Anyway, this completely sucks all the attention away from the contest and on the crazy drunk lady who needs help just to get out of the pool. Fortunately she won't remember a thing, but we all will!

The next thing that I'd forgotten about was the cool swimsuit I found at the resort store. When we first spotted the entertainment host wearing the brand, which was called "Mormaii," I pointed out to Will that was a combination of "Mormon Hawaii." Well, while waiting for the restaurant to open that night, we browsed around in the store and found they carried that brand, which is from Brazil. I found a pair that I really liked and finally convinced myself to buy them. Will really liked them, too, but they didn't have his size, so he just assumed he could buy them online. Turns out that not everything is available online. After much web surfing, Will will have to fly back down to Mexico to get himself a pair of them.

The last thing I completely forgot about was the very thing I had talked up for the previous few days: the perpetually all-over each other couple! How could I have spaced THAT? Anyway, after waking up from a poolside nap, I noticed that Margaret wasn't on the lounge chair next to me and Will and Deb had gone back to the room for a snack. Thinking that Margaret was in the pool, I got in to look for her. When I got in and started looking around, I noticed the lip-locked couple in the waterfall that connected to parts of the pool. The guy was sitting directly under the waterfall with the girl sitting on his lap as they passionately made out. But something seemed strange, which caught my attention. It was then that I realized that the girl was rhythmically bouncing up and down. I couldn't believe it! They were having sex, in broad daylight, in the middle of a crowded pool! Once I realized what they were doing, I frantically looked around for Margaret, as I had to show SOMEONE else! Of course she wasn't in the pool. Shortly after the couple finished up in an orgasmic conclusion (and I still have no idea how the people closer to them didn't notice what was going on!), I saw Margaret walking up to the pool. She'd been in the bathroom and missed the whole show! I had to sprint over and tell her what had happened, and when Will and Deb got back to the pool and I recounted the story to them. I'm still bummed that I was the only one to see what had happened. Needless to say, we only swam in the upper section of the pool after that!

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