Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Oh my gosh! Mexico was AMAZING! Although it didn't start out that way. Gather round, internets, and listen to this story of tragedy and woe that was redeemed into something GLORRRRRIOUS.

Our trip started with Margaret not feeling well. At first she attributed it to having to wake up at the ungodly hour of 4:30 am to get to the airport in time. By the time we met up with Margaret's brother and his wife in Denver, she was declining fast, and by the time we got to Cancun, she was really sick. I'm talking vomity sick, too, not just the I'm-not-able-to-be-sustained-by-peanuts-on-a-four-hour-flight sick. We arrived late and were accosted by all these seemingly shady "tourist services" guys telling us that a taxi to our resort was going to be $20... PER PERSON! We thought that a little steep, especially since they were all mule-drawn. We finally found a bus service that wasn't going to our resort but was going right by it. When the bus finally came, we were disappointed as it was an air-conditioned motor coach with some Mexican telenovella playing on the three tv screens. We wanted something more authentico... like people carrying chickens, the roof loaded down with cargo, and a traveling mariachi band. On the bus, Will and Deb started the panicked lookout for the resort to make sure we didn't zoom past it and be stuck in some town at 10:00 at night and end up spending the night in a room at a cheap Mexican brothel (Only 25 pesos per hour if you just want a bed... hooker, bedding, and locking door are extra). We were glad they were watching, because Margaret wasn't doing too hot and was looking forward to finding a bed and sleeping for 18 to 24 hours. Will spotted the resort and could tell the driver had forgotten about stopping as he hadn't even taken his foot off the gas. He slammed on the brakes and pulled over a ways past the entrance. At this point, we had to wheel all our luggage along the side of the freeway and eventually dash across it. Yikes! We finally got checked in and avoided the predatory time-share salesmen actively seeking to ruin our vacation. Margaret dropped into bed, not to be seen for more than a day. We had made it... barely.

Tune in for the next installment, which includes me waking up with rumblings in my own stomach, the hotel burning down, and the biggest swimming pool I've ever seen in my life.

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