Monday, April 10, 2006

The Siren song of Costco

After not having made the trek down to Clackmas, where the closest Costco is to us, for a couple of weeks in an effort to save money, I learned that just staying away isn't enough to keep from being held captive by its budget-busting influence. We normally don't get out of there for under $100, and I figured that since we hadn't gone in about 5 weeks, we were doing pretty good. Well when we got there, we were out of so much stuff that we ended up spending $250--which averages out to about $100 every other week, which is how often we usually go. We didn't end up saving ANYTHING! I wonder if that would work at church? Don't go for several weeks, then eat a whole slice of sacrament bread and a bottle of sacrament water and, voila! it averages out to regular spiritual sustenance. Maybe I'll wait a few years and then just eat a couple of loaves of bread and a bladder-buster of water and call it good.


Dave D. said...

Just wait until the new IKEA opens!

Anonymous said...

I think he's been training for that event his whole life - well, at least the drinking part.