Friday, January 05, 2007


Last night, we went to a free preview screening of the new movie "Children of Men." I've been looking forward to seeing it since I first saw the previews. The movie takes place in 2027, at a time when not a single child has been born on earth for over 18 years. As you could imagine, the whole world is in chaos... why worry about the future when you can see it ending? Anyway, there is a girl who is pregnant and the premise of the movie is that they need to get her past all the chaos and government crack-downs to escape. I just have to say that that was one of the most traumatizing movies I've seen in a while. Margaret had to leave the theatre for a while, and another friend who went with us cried through the last quarter of the movie and then couldn't decide whether she wanted a stiff drink or to rush home to their baby. The baby won out and so we picked him up on the way back to our friends' house and we all destressed by enjoying some baby time.

If anyone out there is a parent of a baby younger than 7, pregnant, or thinking of getting pregnant, this movie is NOT right for you!


Tracy said...

Good to know. Thanks for the warning

Dave D. said...

But was it good for those of us without kids?