Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I'm running out of hair to pull out!

You know that event I'm responsible for in the fall that I kept complaining about? The one where I try to organize an entire tepee village and a dozen concurrent presentations in all of them? And all the logisitics involved in running the village? And usually only three or four months to plan for and prepare? Well, I just found out yesterday that I'm supposed to plan and put on another one... on MARCH 10TH!!!!!!! So if you notice more sporadic entries to this blog, you'll know why. It's because I'm at the doctor's getting more ulcer medication.


Anonymous said...

So what is this event for?

Anonymous said...

Just cut and paste and just change the names and vendors, use a template man>>>

Anonymous said...

The sandy beaches of Grand Bahama are sounding better and better...only 14 more days to go! xo

Anonymous said...

First more work and then a vacation? Just excused for not blogging. You can't do this to me man, my job is soooooo boring!