Thursday, April 26, 2007


Much like Don Imus, I'm being silnced because I'm in the wrong demographic to use a term... only the one I used wasn't offensive (as far as I know). I've been forbidden to use the Yiddish word "oy" on future postings by a friend who's Jewish. I hate it when people throw the race card back in my face. Usually I get away with quite a bit, being from an oppressed segment of society but I guess the conjunction between the two just cancelled the system out.

And here I was thinking that "oy" was an ancient Nez Perce tribal word! (Actually, there is ONE similarity between Nez Perce and Yiddish that I know of. The Nez Perce word "tookis" means a handled root-digging stick and the Yiddish word "tuckus," I'm sure you all know, means a rear end. Well, we always got a laugh whenever we heard people talked about sitting on their tuckus, which made us think of the uncomfortable situation of sitting on a sharp metal point. I don't think there were many Nez Perce who ever sat on THEIR tookis.


Unknown said...

Oy Gevalt! Whomever censored you has chutzpah. Oh well, a bi gezunt.

Well enough kibitzing for now, time to get back to schlepping for the man.

Anonymous said...

By friend, do you mean aquaintance? Anyone who is a good friend of yours wouldn't care about something so petty.......

Tracy said...

Hey! Do what the heck you want! My Mexican (crazy) grandmother likes people to believe she is Jewish.

She also liked to drag her very pale, blonde blue eyed granddaughter around to prove that she wasn't mexican.

Go figure!

Anonymous said...

That thing looks like a petrified weenie on a stick that you lost at a boy scout campout

Anonymous said...

A flame war!? Who needs this meshugas?