Thursday, April 12, 2007

Vitamin overdose

Oh my gosh! I'm going to be able to get 278% of my USRDA doses of a number of essential vitamins and minerals pretty soon. And it's not by eating my usual 6 Flintstone's chewable vitamins or gnawing on iron ore either. (Although I'll still keep taking the vitamins... I just love the orange Betty's. I'll be happy to give up the iron ore, though-- my teeth are turning red!) No, I'm talking about a product from The Future©! As Nostradamus fortold, the three things that will herald in the next stage of human development are: personal flying cars, warp engines, and soft drinks that are good for you. Well Coca-Cola recently announced the release of the last one: Diet Coke Plus! Yes, that simple "plus" translates into a good source of vitamins B3, B6, and B12 and the minerals zinc and magnesium! It's the official drink of George Jetson! With only 15% of the USRDA per serving, I'll totally have an excuse to drink a six-pack... you know, for the nutrients.

Now if they'd make kettle corn full of all the other vitamins and minerals, I'd be all set.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Add a little fiber and protein in there, and there is never a reason to eat solid food again!