Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Employment perks

I just saw an ad in this morning's paper that should have people lining up to apply. It was in the employment section and a 1/4 page ad read: "Learn How [I don't know why they capitalized How... maybe to hearken back to Thurston Howell the Third, as in you'll become as rich as he was with this job] you can earn $50k per year While eating Mounds of Delicious Pancakes! Wha? Nothing says a classy job like luring people to carb-load.

The job is for an ad sales job for the local newspaper (which makes their egregious capitalization mistakes even more maddening). I guess they know the demographic and what would lure them to apply. To lure my demographic, they'd have to offer something a bit more significant... like A NEW CAR! That or a huge bag of peanut M&Ms.

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