Friday, June 29, 2007

A Dream Denied

Last night I had a dream that I was on the bus and Steve Jobs got on.
I was gushing about the iPhone and I told him that it was so easy that
my mom could use it! We visited for a bit and after a bit he asked me
if I knew how to use Dreamweaver to write code for the internet. I
said I did to which he responded-'How would you like to...' then
Margaret rolled over and bumped me, waking me up. Nooooo!


Unknown said...

I suspect it wasn't Margaret bumping you that ended your dream, but that your dream was dropped by AT&T. Oh well, maybe your future dreams about the iphone will support other networks....

Anonymous said...

I'm sitting here in the vets office with my dog. $200 to get a thorn out of his nose. But I don't mind - I'm typing this from my iPhone :)