Monday, June 18, 2007

Pride weekend

This weekend were all the gay pride events in Portland. We didn't go to the parade since it conflicted with Margaret's piano-playing duties at church (and she let them know that she was missing all the debauchery for Primary and that they'd better not forget it!), but the day before we went down to the "Gayest Dog in Portland" show. There were dogs in tutus, boas, etc., etc. We'd expected it to be a lot campier than it was, but being that Portland is dog-town, there were all these straight people just looking for an excuse to show off their dog. You could TOTALLY tell that their dogs weren't gay! We watched as one male dog sniffed a female dog's butt! Fakers! This is one of the dogs in the show, and I don't know if it won the top prize, but I think he was definitely the gayest dog there. A straight dog would have gone with a blue or green feather trim on his muumuu.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Yep, hot pink on a weiner dog is pretty gay.