Tuesday, January 31, 2006

On Sunday, we helped some friends move into their new condo. Since they had a one-bedroom apartment, we didn't think it would take too long--little did we know that with Tetris-master skills, they had packed enough stuff into that small apartment to adequately furnish and FILL the palace at Versailles! Plus, the apartment was on the second floor, so the move meant carrying everything down a flight of stairs, then running back up them to get more stuff--and boy was there more stuff! Now I consider myself in pretty good shape--I try to work out everyday during lunch--but I'm still sore from the move! Either the move was particularly strenuous or I'm not working out as hard as I think I am. By the way, does getting your heart rate up by being overheated in the jacuzzi count as exercise? I'm just wondering--a... friend... asked me about that. Anyway, we accomplished the move--and all I know is that I'm glad it was only our task to get the stuff through the front door of their new condo! I don't know how long it's going to take to put away all their stuff since they don't have the space of Buckingham Palace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Walking back and forth from your seat and the pop machine at Taco Bell for your 37 free refills doesn't count as working out....