Friday, January 06, 2006

This morning was a sad day for Margaret--Noah's ran out of their pumpkin dough and today was the last few remaining bagels. When we went to the register to pay, the person behind the counter said that there was a bag there waiting for us. The guy handed it to Margaret telling her it was for their best pumpkin bagel customer. When Margaret opened it up, it was the last six pumpkin bagels! Now she'll be able to get her fix for a few more days before having to go cold turkey until October. After we were done eating, the baker asked if we'd tried the cheddar bagels, which are the pumpkin replacement. I said I hadn't, so they gave me one of those to try. I swear, it's a good thing that we're not on Atkins, because this morning would have killed us!


Anonymous said...

Only on the West Coast would they have the nerve to call anything with Pumpkin or Cheese in the dough "bagels".

Anonymous said...

Well at least Margaret has the bag that the 6 bagels came in to pack her lunch in and hope to get some residual smell from the bagels to rub off onto her tuna on rye... but you will know that she has a problem if you come home and catch her breathing into the bag like she is hyper-ventilating.