Friday, February 24, 2006

Phew! My dad's cardiologist was able to repair his heart, avoiding "Plan B" which was the bionic heart. While pretty cool, it would have all of us constantly worried that the batteries would run out at an inopportune time. He came out of the surgery well enough that when he asked his doctor if he had any diet restrictions, he was told none. At that he asked for a greasy spoon diner hamburger, which prompted a joke from my brother that I can't write here, it being a family blog and all, but it was funny enough to elicit enough laughter from my dad that it ripped open his operation wound and the nurses had to take drastic measures to get the bleeding stopped. Now I know what the phrase, "I almost died laughing" really means!

1 comment:

Dave D. said...

I'm glad to hear your dad is doing well, just tell him to stop busting a gut.