Thursday, February 16, 2006

Today, I was cleaning off my hard drive and noticed the first iteration of "Just a Service I Provide" that I started in 2004. Since I was the only person who ever read that one, I thought I'd rerun them here on the Official Blog of Jeremy© for the historical preservation and so you can see how much I've TOTALLY matured in the past two years:

Sunday, August 22,2004: Provo Pride and Prejudice
Last night Margaret and I rented the Mormon version of Pride and Prejudice. It was filmed in and around Provo, Utah--forcing me to relive the halcyon days I spent there during school. My days there were quite blissful and carefree, so it wasn't an unwelcome reliving. I think the Provo/BYU scene meshed very well with Jane Austen's England--after all, so many women in both are completely fixated on marriage and the men either taking advantage of the situation or completely bought into it. In both the book and the movie, the protagonist is a woman who thinks for herself and isn't looking for marriage, thereby attracting the anomalous man who is more interested in the woman as an equal. While I wouldn't consider myself a Mr. Darcy--I don't have enough hair is just one of the problems--I do resemble him in that I am completely fascinated by Margaret's mind and will. Hmm, we're living an Austen movie right in the comfort of our own home! Now we just need to push it up a notch and buy a manor house in the Yorkshire countryside.

I think the sudden dearth of Mormon movies (I guess the millions that God's Army made was just too much of a temptation to pass up) is quite disconcerting. Especially since some of these flicks are absolute crap--I mean, what's up with "The Home Teacher?" I guess the producers are counting on millions of guys in Utah taking their dates to a "spir-chull" movie. The sad thing is that the formula seems to be working. Only a place like Utah could support a whole chain that rents only edited movies, known as "Clean Flicks," that cater to the oh-so-delicate sensibilities of people who think that seeing bare skin or hearing a swear word is going to besmirch them for time and all eternity. (And it's funny that violence seems to be much more excusable; personally I'd much rather experience sex than a violent act, but maybe that's my besmirched soul talking--after all, I've seen rated R movies!)

I have nine more entries, so keep tuned as I dredge up more blasts from the past.

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