On a recent trip to
Mecca Target, wherein neither Margaret nor I had a genuine NEED to go there (my excuse was we were out of crispy, delicious blue corn tortilla chips--since Target is the ONLY place to get those!). Margaret predicted, correctly might I add, that we would not be leaving the store with just the chips if we went. But, since we didn't have anything better to do and being Americans, we decided to fill our time by consuming. I swear, Target is a store that somehow completely breaks down our consumeristic defenses built up by watching thousands of Saturday morning cartoons. With a secret gas that they add to the air system, they FORCE us to casually walk up and down each aisle, where we're BOUND to find something we need. It's the only store we do that at--other than Beehive Clothing, but we only do that in the futile hopes that I will find a style that Margaret can wear under low-rise pants and tank tops in a red silk weave, but... that's another story.

Anyway, while we were shopping, I spotted the revolting product pictured here. How could someone think that coloring with a frickin' MARKER on FOOD would be in the least bit appetizing. Although now that I think of it, people do eat blue Jell-O, Progresso soup, and pork rinds, so I guess a little marker action wouldn't really be that far off. Although what in the world do you do with the marker after you're done decorating the
hockey puck cookie? Could you write on bread with it? If so, you could write "Tuna salad, no pickles" on the outside of the slice and not have to try and remember. Or you could write how well the meat was that you just cooked. Or, if times were hard, you could just give your baby one to suck on--there is some nutritional value to food coloring, isn't there? That's the only way I can explain the fact that Capn' Crunch has 12% of your daily recommended dose of Iron and Vitamin D.
Well, we finally got out of the store and the total for what we'd bought was still just in the double digits--JUST BARELY! I don't know WHAT we're going to do when Ikea opens up here--probably file for bankruptcy!
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