Friday, March 31, 2006

Oh the shame!

I know we've been busy lately, but I was mortified yesterday when I called my grandmother and aunt and realized that I'd completely forgotten to call on my own grandmother's birthday! Talk about the worst grandchild ever (although I guess Hilter's grandmother would disagree, but still). I apologized profusely, and she told me that it was okay, but I still can't shake the mental image of her huddled beside the phone, wrapped in a crocheted shawl, feeling the cold, cold wind blow in through the slats in the floor anxiously awaiting a call that never came--okay, in reality it was probably more like sitting in her recliner with a book and a Diet Coke, but the first image makes me feel worse. When you read this, B, know that I really am sorry and I promise I'll call on all the major holidays to make up for it--even Martin Luther King, Jr. Day AND Secretary's Administrative Assistant's Day.

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