I swear, junk mail makes me so crazy--almost as crazy as spam--and THAT'S saying something. I could have made a papier mâché float with all the refinance deals that are too good to be true, Arby's coupons, and lost child flyers. The worst, however, is an underwear catalog that I don't know how to opt out of. A couple of years ago, I ordered some underwear off Amazon.com--nothing extreme...in fact they were pretty childish--they had fire trucks on them and they made me hearken back to the Underoos days. Anyway, that evidently put me on the mailing list for this men's underwear catalog that looks more like gay porn. I keep hoping they'll notice that I haven't bought anything for several years and get the picture, but one just came last week. I'm afraid that if I contact them, that will keep me on their list for another two years. Help me internets!
Well, what brought up this topic in the first place was yesterday's mail brought us this piece of mail:
You can tell when something is important information for the addressee only when it's posted to "Current Resident!" Why couldn't my
church disciplinary hearing notice property tax bill have been addressed to Mr. Current Resident?
Nice underware discription [insert hose joke here].
How do you know what gay porn looks like, you been watching Brokeback Mountain again????
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